This Report Directly from the Founding Partner(Lions Clubs of Somalia/LCIF)

Despite the great progress of Special Olympics Somalia is making since beginning and now in the ( third phase of the program Implementation)with 7000 Youth registered getting service of Sports, healthy, leadership and UCS brought a great hope for all youth development stakeholders in Somalia , unfortunately, Lions of Clubs of Somalia regrets to inform SOI the complicated relationship between SOA and SO Somalia which we honestly found out fuelled and taking advantage this dysfunctional relationship by Kenyan affiliated members could undermined the ongoing programs and already build strong foundation ,this irregular interventions and process is a setback for the 2022-2026 Strategic partnerships signed of SO Somalia has pursued with the support of the Lions clubs of Somalia. SO Somalia’s is well functioning and one of view published in LCIF platform which is built through coordination, and communication and trust Among It’s Local and international partners. However, if any individual or institution ( Namely Kenya Affiliated Members) seeks to dominate the others Programs , it undermines the stability of the entire program.

Different communities in the world have different challenges,this means one zise doesn’t fit all, meaning what works  others countries doesn’t work in Somalia , therefore If Some have different idea or approach, than it is better to support

For some challenges program face are communication and Banking systems. Already with support and Collaboration with Lions Both sorted out For communication we jointly publish

For grants , sometimes difficult and take longtime to get funds in Somalia , however, immediately SOI approves , to avoid delays for implementation Lions clubs of Somalia are ready to give any amount they need to implement their programs.

However, Since 4 years , this is the first time we hear this issue of some are trying Interventions, There are some who are benefiting the current dysfunctional relationship of SO Somalia and SO Africa is an external intervention from Kenyan Citizen Affiliated to Kenya who want to seize the SO Somalia program leadership using Misinformation, double standards and Lies, therefore SOA should understand the unique context of Somalia and it’s surrounding challenges mainly resource and power.

The Lions Clubs of Somalia continues to emphasize the only path forward is the strong collaboration and coordination without compounding foreign interventions. To avoid further misunderstanding & miscommunications. The Lions of Somalia urges those from Kenya to stop Misinformation sharing to SO Africa President and illegal interventions but continue working together the SO Somalia Founding Board led by Board chairperson Yasir Yusuf and it’s CEO Dr.Mohamed Salad Mohamud Salad whom are hardworking team with challenging environment.

We can not accept west of time & resources, and therefore SOA should be well aware about Actors to commit identity theft, this is the highest risk at the moment and we inform SOI to monitor this situation. The correct comminications emails and phone are as shown in LCIF website click the link and the national Director Dr.Mohamed Salad Mohamud Salad ([email protected])

The Lions Clubs of Somalia calls on (Kenyans Affiliated to pursue the best interests of our Special Olympics rather than pursuing their individual interests, to work together with mutual respect without intervention. SOI should take measures against spoilers who seek to undermine SO Somalia’s progress towards sports, healthy, inclusive community, and giving opportunities to Somali youth .We do not want SO Somalia to go in the wrong direction. The Lions of Somalia remains a strong and devoted partner to the SO Somalia program Founding Board_ Board chairperson Yasir Yusuf and it’s CEO Dr.Mohamed Mohamud Salad who already and continues to put the best interests of SO Somalia and it’s Athletes first.

Follow below social channels for the huge progress SO Somalia is Making

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Instagram @ specialolympics.Somalia
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